The Cincinnati Beacon
WNKU Promotes Gothardism?  An Open Letter
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Dear Crystal Faulkner and Tom Cooney:

On a recent episode of your program, BusinessWise, you interviewed Mary Russell of the Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.  During the interview, you allowed the Character Council to use your platform to spread its propaganda—and I was wondering if you had done any research into the nature of this organization before airing the segment.  Did you know, for example, that these “Character Councils” are the secular front for the Bill Gothard evangelical cult?

In the interview, Mary Russell mentions “49 character qualities.” Just check Bill Gothard’s web page, and you can see these come from his fringe beliefs about the ”49 General Commands of Christ.” Bill Gothard’s empire stretches from the religious front into the secular front through the International Association of Character Cities, and Character First!—and collectively these Gothard organizations have been linked to the oppression of women and child abuse.

Just read Silja Talvi’s recent article from In These Times entitled ”Cult of Character.” Or, check out this WISH-TV I-Team investigation from Indianapolis.

Or, check out this story about Arizona’s David Petersen—once a poster-child for “character,” now an icon for the criminal activity possible in this organization.

Even the establishment of the Cincinnati Character Council seems to have occurred under questionable circumstances.

I am wondering, therefore, if you intend to run any follow-up to your recent interview with the area Character Council—giving your listeners a more balanced perspective about what kind of work is really going on with that organization.

I am eager to study your response.

Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.


The Dean of Cincinnati

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