
Resources to get you started as an information activist!

The Dean of Cincinnati in front of
The Bodleian Library, Oxford, England

Minutes of Council Meetings
Current City Council Ordinances and Resolutions
Stay current with what's being passed at City Hall, straight from the horse's mouth!

City Council Committee Meeting Calendar
Plan on visiting the Law and Public Safety Committee meeting? How about the Economic Development Committee? Their calendar is available online.

• City Council Information Retrieval System
Online resource to search Council Items or FYI Memos. The interface can be buggy, so if you get an error message, just go back on the browser and try a few more times. It will usually work.

City of Cincinnati -- Elections Commission
This is the place to search for campaign contributions for mayoral and city council candidates. As with above, the interface can be buggy -- so if you get an error message just refresh and try again!

Cincinnati Municipal Code
Want to know the official rules? The CMC is the place to start. Everything from rules for electing City Government to what types of weeds cannot be grown in your backyard.

Ohio Revised Code Online
Speaking of laws, ever wondered the official rules for the State of Ohio? Well, here they are!

Justin Jeffre

Ohio @ Open Secrets
A great resource for tracking campaign contributions. The link above takes you right to the Ohio page, where you can actually enter your ZIP code to find out who's been getting contributions from your immediate neighbors. The Open Secrets homepage is here.

Like the Open Secrets site above, but this link will take you to a clickable list of all ZIP codes in Hamilton County, where you can view contribution records.

This is a site for finding Ohio open records. It also includes detailed information for how to proceed through various procedures to obtain records.