Sunday, March 19, 2006
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Melissa Autry
Clerk of Council
801 Plum St. Rm 308
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Ms. Autry:
This is a public records request as provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and all other applicable public records laws.
Please provide copies of any and all records between the years 1994-2001 regarding former City Councilman Phil Heimlich and the following individuals, organizations, and any other representatives of these organizations:
*Bill Gothard, IL
*Tom Hill, Oklahoma City, OK
*The International Association of Character Cities, Oklahoma City, OK
*Character First!, Oklahoma City, OK
*The Character Training Institute
*Institute in Basic Life Principles. IL
*Michael Daly
*Anthony Munoz
*Susan Bell
*The Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky
This request includes any and all records, including but not limited to letters, e-mails, and phone records.
The Ohio Public Records Act requires that all public records “ promptly prepared and made available for inspection to any person at all reasonable times during regular business hours.”
A. Please provide the requested materials as ready rather than accumulated.
B. Please provide all documents in electronic form where available, otherwise please provide printed copies.
C. Please notify me when I may come by and inspect the records at your office.
D. If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the Ohio Public Records Act.
I agree to pay all reasonable copying and mailing costs up to $25. If such costs exceed that amount, please provide me with a written estimate before completing this request.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Please confirm receipt.
The Dean of Cincinnati
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