The Cincinnati Beacon
YouTube Attack on Wulsin Totally Misses Its Target
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

In the fight for Ohio’s 2nd congressional district, a YouTube attack ad totally misses the mark in trying to undermine Dr. Victoria Wells Wulsin, who is running in the Democratc primary against former Republican Steve Black.  Could Steve Black be behind the latest attack?  But more specifically, who could be so ignorant as to forget that Dr. Wulsin at one time had the last name “Wells”?

In this YouTube video, an anonymous producer tries to suggest that Dr. Wulsin is not a doctor:

However, one only need a rudimentary knowledge of searching the web to figure out that Wulsin once was known as Victoria Wells.  You can find her Wikipedia entry here, or an old SmartVoter page here.

The YouTube attack suggests that there is not a doctor in Ohio named “Victoria Wulsin.” And, if you watch the clip, you’ll see great pains shown to depict the Ohio License Center, showing no results for a search for that name.  However, one only need to search for “Victoria Wells” instead of “Victoria Wulsin” to discover that Dr. Wulsin has an active license under the name “Wells.” So, unless a woman who gets married loses all professional licensing rights, the video is totally absurd.

If anyone wants to take a serious look at Wulsin’s credentials, a better route would be to start with Dr. Robert Baratz’s complaint filed about a year ago, or to brush up on the various ways Wulsin has shown herself to be ”ethically challenged.”

Speaking of being “ethically challenged,” who would make a video like this?  Is the purpose to discredit Wulsin for the upcoming primary?  Does Steve Black have anything to do with this?  As recently as last year, Black was a registered Republican, causing some to wonder at his sudden switch to run in a Democratic primary against Wulsin.

Can it be any wonder some of us don’t buy anything being sold to us by either Republicans or Democrats?

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YouTube Attack on Wulsin Totally Misses It’s Target

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