The Cincinnati Beacon
What About The Women?
Friday, April 27, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Photo courtesy of here.

Recent discussion about The Banks Working Group dominated by patriarchal attitudes.

With the recent election of Christopher Smitherman to president of the local NAACP, that organization has been making more appearances in the corporate press—and that’s a good thing.  No matter your perspective on Smitherman’s personality or politics, our area is now being challenged (on a larger scale) to consider African American interests as it pertains to big development projects like The Banks.  Further, the recent appointment of two African Americans to the Banks Working Group is testament to Smitherman’s efficacy as leader of the local NAACP.  But where is the discussion about why no women have been appointed to oversee The Banks?

In all the discussions about ethnicity by our male dominated politicians, concerning our male dominated area power structure, where are the voices advocating for inclusion of women?

When Smitherman ran to become president of the NAACP, the membership expressed their discontent with a structure that seemed largely inactive:  the group held monthly meetings, but they were mostly off the radar in terms of participating visibly in local political discussions and power brokering.

A quick review of the web page for the Cincinnati Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) seems to indicate that the group has fallen into a similar routine—holding monthly meetings that do not contain the kind of advocacy that raises awareness at the level of critical mass.

According to the site, the purpose of the group is to be an active community voice:

Meeting monthly, as we have for over 30 years, the Cincinnati chapter of NOW provides a forum for education, support, advocacy and activism. Monthly speakers provide education about myriad topics pertaining to women and girls. We also conduct various “actions” to bring awareness to continuing injustice. These actions may include protests, marches, letter-writing campaigns, petitions, performances, information fairs, conferences, or any number of other activities designed to increase awareness and make change happen.

The site also includes a link for showcasing appearances of the Cincinnati NOW in the news.  The most recent entry, however, is a 2004 article from The Cincinnati Enquirer about how John Kerry should have worked more to gain the women’s vote.

To find articles about the group working in a visible and local capacity, one needs to go back to 2003—at least according to the group’s own media round-up.

What has happened?

We know local corporate press has no problem conducting media blackouts.  So has Cincinnati NOW been shut out, or have they fallen silent?

According to their calendar of events, nothing is scheduled except the group’s regular, monthly meetings.  This month’s gathering will feature “feminist book club night.”

It seems to me, therefore, that either the Cincinnati NOW could become a more effective political presence with different leadership—or that the group is conducting activities which are not reported in the press.  That’s why I just sent them the following message:

Dear Cincinnati NOW:

Recently, the local NAACP has become a more powerful political force with the election of a new president.  We have already seen an entity like The Banks Working Group change its composition from pressure started, in part, by that organization.

As you are aware, local politics are male-dominated.  The Banks Working Group, for example, may have added two African Americans—but the members are all men.  City and County government are also male-dominated.

I was wondering what sort of advocacy your organization is currently engaging locally—which perhaps has not been reported by the area corporate press.  If you are not engaged in any advocacy of that nature, I was wondering if you could explain why?

For the record, I am aware that the manner by which I have characterized advocacy has privileged my own maleness, and all the approaches that I have been trained to view as “effective.” I am open to being criticized on that point of my own internalized patriarchy.

Thank you, in advance, for your time. I am eager to study and publish your response.


The Dean of Cincinnati
Publisher, The Cincinnati Beacon

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