The Cincinnati Beacon
The “Ultimate Joint Venture”
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Posted by Media Release

Lead-laced toys. Tainted snacks. Poisonous pet food.

They’re products made in China and sold at Wal-Mart… so dangerous they’ve been pulled off the shelves.

This morning, amid rampant recalls of unsafe Chinese exports, released a new report and a new ad exposing Wal-Mart’s cozy relationship with China.

Please watch the ad and send it to five friends:

Seventy percent of Wal-Mart’s goods come from China. Wal-Mart is China’s #1 importer and sixth largest trading partner, surpassing even Germany and Britain.

When huge retailers like Wal-Mart pressure Chinese suppliers to cut costs, they cut corners. And now we’re paying the price.

Please watch the ad and send it to five friends:

There are two visions for America: Wal-Mart’s America, where profits come before people, and our vision, where people come first.

In Wal-Mart’s America, wealthy corporations just want to make more money - at any cost.

In our America, corporations embrace their responsibility to do right by their customers, their workers, and the American people.

You - and the more than 397,000 supporters of - have the power to stand up, spread the word, and bring our America to life.

Thanks for all that you do,

Jeremy, Katherine, Laura, Matt, Meghan, Nick, and Richie

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