The Cincinnati Beacon
The Power of YouTube
Friday, October 20, 2006

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

The Enquirer reports today that a family seeking apology from their son’s coach have taken incriminating footage to YouTube.  Though the Enquirer does not analyze the story from a grassroots perspective, I think the situation is a good example of how new media options can really empower those who may otherwise have no voice. 

Here is the YouTube footage in question:

The parents of the child want a private apology from the coach, and they have not received one.  That is why they took their incriminating video footage to YouTube.

Regular visitors to The Cincinnati Beacon will know that we have used these free resources to put pressure on local politicians.  Who can forget our first encounter with Hamilton County Commissioner Phil Heimlich?  What’s great is how he was totally willing to talk into our camera until he heard our first question!  (Oh, the memories...)

You can find a collection of our shorter videos through .  However, since their free accounts only accept videos up to ten minutes in length, we have branched to Google Video for longer pieces.  For those who don’t know, Google offers a really great opportunity for grassroots efforts—providing free video hosting for files of any length or size.  (Find some of our longer projects .)

Third party hosting companies like Google Video and YouTube really empower grassroots media efforts by providing free bandwidth for public activism. 

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Today's Date in History

On today's date in The Beacon archives, we published:

•The Whistleblower Exposed (2006)
•Pepper Campaign Files Complaint Against False Heimlich “Character” Ad (2006)
•Big Money Contributions:  Heimlich v. Pepper (2006)
•“Heimlich hardly saved Drake”—Raw and Uncut! (2006)
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