The Cincinnati Beacon
The Clifton Heights Armed Militia?  Bill Landeck’s Brainchild
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

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I have always thought that City Hall should have better communication with leaders of area community councils.  (That’s why I’m eager for Justin Jeffre to release his “Comprehensive Neighborhood Rescue Plan,” which includes concrete strategies for accomplishing that need.) Turns out that some recent discussions at the Clifton Heights Improvement Association underscore why such a need might be significant.  Bill Landeck has been attending CHIA meetings, suggesting that Clifton Heights develop an armed militia! 

You can find evidence of this weird suggestion in the July minutes of the CHIA meeting, which is available online.  In fact, Bill Landeck is mentioned prominently in these minutes twice.  Here is the first:

Bill Landeck discussed the letter writing campaign to bring in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies into the neighborhood to augment the District 5 police, just as was done in Over-the-Rhine.  The Clifton Heights Business Association was reported to be drafting a letter, and CUF and UC considering it.  Bill requested that CHIA also support this request.  Some concern was raised that we might offend our own District 5 police by implying they are not doing a good enough job so we need to bring in another group.  Counter-arguments would say that a.) we are paying for Hamilton County sheriff deputies, so we should be using them b.) the area has enough crime and activity to support two groups, so there should not be competition.

A proposal was made to ask Sheriff Leis to bring deputies into our neighborhood.  6 voted for, and 1 voted against.  Measure passed.

I understand people may have a variety of feelings about bringing Sheriff deputies into another Cincinnati neighborhood—and that is a different discussion.  I provide that excerpt to give context for the final item in the CHIA July meeting minutes, which is where Bill Landeck starts making his frightening case:

Bill Landeck then proposed we develop an armed militia for Clifton Heights.  After some discussion, a motion was made and approved to adjourn.

Personally, I am terrified at the thought of people like Bill Landeck gathering up his friends, loading down with deadly weapons, and then taking the law into their own hands.  If I knew there were a “Clifton Heights Armed Militia” with the likes of Bill Landeck involved, I think I would be afraid to go to Clifton Heights.

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