Friday, April 13, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Photo courtesy of here.
Five councilmembers – Jeff Berding, Chris Bortz, Laketa Cole, Leslie Ghiz and Chris Monzel – forged an alliance at City Hall during the budget in December. They call themselves The Fiscal Five. At The Cincinnati Beacon we call this unholy alliance The Fascist Five.
There are a lot of questions about who these people are and what they have ever accomplished. We wonder how they will continue to campaign together and if they can survive November’s election.
After reviewing the public record of news reports, we have compiled a trivia test to help better inform the electorate on the facts of The Fascist Five.
True or False
1. When Cincinnati Enquirer columnist Peter Bronson named the coalition The “Fiscal” Five, he had not even seen a copy of their budget proposal, but relied on their rhetoric as fact.
2. The Fascist Five held a press conference on their budget proposal, but refused to give the press a copy, saying they would present it at the start of the finance committee that day. It turned out they never planned on presenting their budget to the finance committee.
3. The Fascist Five made up letterhead to send out announcements to the press.
4. The Fascist Five said Sheriff Leis was for a plan to spend millions on temporary “tent” jails even though Leis publicly said he was against them and would not operate one.
5. The Fascist Five told certain groups that they wanted to shut down health clinics, but told other groups that they were against closing health clinics.
Multiple Choice
6. Who is the leader of The Fascist Five?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
7. Which Fascist Five member first told the press that the group planned to shut down two-three health clinics?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
8. Which Fascist Five member told the press that the group wants to end the City’s commitment to giving human services and instead make a smaller contribution to The United Way so they don’t have to hear anymore “protests” by the people?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
9. Who first reported that The Fascist Five was plotting to get revenge on Mark Mallory, David Crowley, and John Cranley for the budget by attacking the Mayor’s appointments even though every Fascist Five member voted for it?
a. Dan Klepal
b. Kevin Osborne
c. Joe Wessels
d. Greg Flannery
e. Nate Livingston
10. Which Fascist Five member was caught by the press for looking over the shoulder of Cecil Thomas drafting a motion, “then quickly circulated his own version”?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
11. Which Fascist Five member tried to steal jurisdiction of the Quality of Life Index from Cecil Thomas Law Committee and put it in the Rules Committee?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
12. When The Fascist Five went to Westwood Concern who did Republican Pete Witte say could be the next Republican nominee for mayor?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
13. Which Fascist Five member violated the City Charter and ordered a department head to ignore a city council vote and hold-up the contract of the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
14. Which Fascist Five member endorsed Republican candidate John Eby for Council at a Westwood Concern meeting even though he or she claims to be a Democrat?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
15. According to polls released to the media who is the most likely Fascist Five member to lose his or her seat this November?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. None of the above
Extra Credit
Which Fascist Five member says that Karl Rove is his or her role model?
a. Leslie Ghiz
b. Chris Monzel
c. Chris Bortz
d. Jeff Berding
e. All of the above
1. True (Cincinnati Enquirer, Surprise: frozen-turkey budget might fly, 12-19-06 & Cincinnati Enquirer, Council shuts down over budget, 12-18-06 & Cincinnati Post, Budget process turns to sniping, 12-19-06)
2. True (Cincinnati Enquirer, Council shuts down over budget, 12-18-06 & Cincinnati Enquirer, Council conflict snags budget, 12-19-06 & Cincinnati Post, Budget process turns to sniping, 12-19-06 & Cincinnati Post, Sterne warning: The poor matter, 12-20-06)
3. True (Cincinnati Enquirer, Footnotes)
4. True (Cincinnati Post, Sheriff Leis pokes hole in ‘bubble’ jail, 01-18-07)
5. True (Cincinnati Herald, My viewpoint of the city budget, (Cole) 01-13-07 & CityBeat, Budget Showdown Could Prompt Veto, 12-19-06 (see Bortz’s blog comment) & CityBeat, Health department at center of city’s budget clash, 12-20-06 & Cincinnati Enquirer, Grim forecast for Cincinnati’s budget, 12-19-06 & Cincinnati Post, Sterne warning: The poor matter, 12-20-06)
6. D. Jeff Berding (CityBeat, Berding’s Big Fat GOP Bash, 02-14-07 & Cincinnati Enquirer, Council conflict snags budget, 12-19-06 & Cincinnati Enquirer, Finally, a city budget, 12-22-06)
7. A. Leslie Ghiz (Cincinnati Enquirer, Some health clinics might close, 11-28-06)
8. D. Jeff Berding (Cincinnati Enquirer, Surprise: frozen-turkey budget might fly, 12-19-06)
9. B. Kevin Osborne (CityBeat, 01-18-07)
10. D. Jeff Berding (Cincinnati Enquirer, 01-25-07)
11. D. Jeff Berding (Cincinnati Enquirer, 01-25-07, )
12. E. None of the above – Laketa Cole (Cincinnati Enquirer, Footnotes)
13. C. Chris Bortz (Cincinnati Enquirer, 02-21-07; CityBeat, 02-27-07)
14. D. Jeff Berding (CityBeat, 04-04-07)
15. D. Jeff Berding (Cincinnati Business Courier, Council comeback, 02-23-07)
Extra Credit. A. Leslie Ghiz (Queen City Forum, 01-09-05)
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