The Cincinnati Beacon
The Cincinnati Beacon Goes Live!
Friday, December 09, 2005

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

On Friday, December 9th, The Cincinnati Beacon officially goes “live.” This may be an exciting time for Cincinnati media!  While we still have some dust and some cosmetic work to detail, the technology driving this site is running, and powerful!

As you can see, we have taken a new approach to displaying information.  The site is split into six different categories, and each essentially runs as a separate blog.  This way, articles are presented by importance and not just by date. 

From the front page, each box also features links to previous headlines, so visitors can easily monitor stories.  We have a powerful commenting interface, with the ability for users to receive email notifications.  Sign up to become a member, and your comments can be stamped with your “identity.”

We are assembling a collection of people interested in contributing to this project as a writer.  Through collected efforts we can gain more widespread appeal!  So, if you are willing to join our efforts, consider moving your blogging to The Cincinnati Beacon.  Sign up for an account, then email me ( ).  I’ll upgrade you to a “writer” account and we can get started right away.

Let the revolution begin!

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Today's Date in History

On today's date in The Beacon archives, we published:

•Unite Cincinnati Cleans Up Illegal Political Signs (2006)
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