Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Photo courtesy of here.
I know… You have been wondering what happened to me these past few days, as I fell off the face of the Cincinnati blogosphere. I was busy moving. And though I have always fancied myself an “Eastsider”—complete with all the prejudices affiliated with the same—I have found myself plopped onto Cincinnati’s Westside, and it looks like I’ll be living here for the long haul. So as I find my phone services reconnected and my computers back online, I thought I’d take some time to reflect on the differences I’ve already found after crossing this mythical Cincinnati chasm!
Pleasant Ridge Chili versus Price Hill Chili
Living on the Eastside found me near Pleasant Ridge Chili. I always enjoyed going there. I liked the small community feel, and I liked the fries with gravy. There was a charm about the place. I had heard about Price Hill Chili, naturally (and I even knew they had been featured on Food Network), but given my prejudice against all things Westside, I never went—perhaps fearing that I might have the displeasure of finding myself near Melva Gweyn, or something.
But I went there the other day. The place was fantastic! The atmosphere was great. I loved all the different labyrinthine rooms about the joint. I loved the entrance in the back. I loved the goetta omelet. I loved the service. Despite my prejudices, I must admit that Price Hill Chili is world’s above Pleasant Ridge Chili.
Westside, 1; Eastside, 0
Purcell Marian versus LaSalle
Living on the Eastside found me always near Purcell Marian High School, a struggling Catholic school in East Walnut Hills that will probably go out of business in the next year or two. There was never an atmosphere of excitement surrounding anything affiliated with Purcell Marian. Nothing that ever permeated the neighborhood. My new home is near LaSalle (so, yes, that puts me in the Northwest section of the City—which may not qualify me as a “strict” Westsider depending on how you interpret the myth). But I can say Friday night’s football game at LaSalle totally permeated the area.
LaSalle may not be in the City, but it’s right on the border—and I could definitely see an affect in the area, especially on North Bend Road. The fans created a palpable aura of excitement. I never saw anything like that from the other Catholic schools, like Roger Bacon or McNicholas. I can imagine that Elder might make a similar impression on the neighborhood.
As such, my initial impressions are that the Westside is more Catholic than the Eastside, but more significantly that Westsiders are more loyal to their Catholic schools, and they know how to throw public parties.
Westside, 2; Eastside, 0
Locally owned coffee joints
East side living found lots of options for buying coffee, from Starbucks everywhere to a number of locally owned coffee shops—like Pleasant Perk or Awakenings. So far, I don’t see anything like this is my new part of town. I’ve been buying my morning coffee at Speedway—and while my Speedy Rewards card has been giving me gas coupons, it still lacks that charm of a Pleasant Perk early in the morning. And if there are some local cafes in the Westside, I’m not finding them in my part of town.
Westside, 2; Eastside, 1
Interstate Travel
When I lived on the Eastside, I used Interstate 71. Now I use Interstates 75 and 74. If you have ever driven these routes, you already know…
Westside, 2; Eastside, 2
Bang for your buck in buying a home
The Eastside is more expensive. Period. There really is nothing more to say about it. If you want to live in a nicer Cincinnati neighborhood on the Eastside, you are going to spend a lot more money for a lot less house compared to Westside prices. My new house is much newer and nicer than anything I could find on the Eastside.
Westside, 3; Eastside, 2
Anyway, I could go on like this endlessly, but I fear losing your interest, gentle reader! The bottom line: for someone trying to get a nice house for less money while staying in the City will be better served on the Westside. I’ll miss you, Eastside. I will try to keep my distance from Melva Gweyn.
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