The Cincinnati Beacon
Should the Process be Slowed?
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

In a joint statement, City Councilmembers Laketa Cole and David Crowley encouraged citizens to contact City Council to protest a new movement to change the rules about how Council conducts business.  Crowley said:  “This is more than just tweaking some rules, this is the way in which our government and elected officials operate. This is not Council’s business � it is the public’s. We have a duty to provide adequate public input before making sweeping changes to the rules, these aren’t our rules they are the citizen’s rules.”

I decided to take Cole and Crowley up on their suggestion, so I just sent the following email to all members of City Hall:

Dear __________, (I inserted each name individually)

I am writing in regards to the recent decision to make hasty changes to Council’s rules.  In a public statement, your colleagues Laketa Cole and David Crowley said that these profound changes in how the City conducts business should be open to public scrutiny.

The hurry with which they are being pushed does not allow for transparency.  I would like to invite you, therefore, to respond for the record in regards to these developments.

1.  Do you think the public should have the right to consume new changes that profoundly alter City Hall’s business, or do you have the right to make quick changes?  Please explain your answer.

2.  To what degree does “ending chaos” relate to moving swiftly?

3.  What role, if any, does the public play in your work at City Hall?  Do you welcome input?  If so, through what format?  If not, why not?

4.  Should these types of legislative processes be slowed down?  Why or why not?

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.  I know you are busy, but I also know you will agree that the public deserves to know where their elected leaders stand.  I will make your positions available as you send them.


The Dean of Cincinnati

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