The Cincinnati Beacon
Private Profit, Public Space:  Bench Billboards and the Fountain Square Restaurant
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Photo courtesy of here.

Recently, Chris Bortz has pushed to enhance the City’s curb appeal by getting rid of bench billboards.  Bortz has argued that government is under no obligation to allow private companies to use public space for private profit.  But does anyone know how such a philosophy might get applied to the new Italian restaurant being built on Fountain Square?  Who owns that restaurant?  To whom does the rent money go?  Is the City of Cincinnati now in the restaurant renting business?  Or, did 3CDC build a space to rent on the top of Fountain Square?  If one company cannot make profit off placing bench advertisements on public space, should another be allowed to build a whole restaurant on public space?  What are the details about this restaurant?

There are, admittedly, many details that need to be acquired before further discussion can rightfully take place.  That is why I’m sending the following messages both to Chris Bortz and Bill Donabedian.  I will post their responses when (and if) I receive them.  At that point, we will begin more investigation given the details revealed in their responses.

Dear Councilmember Bortz and Mr. Donabedian:

I would like to know some details concerning the physical building of the new restaurant on Fountain Square.

1.  Who owns the building?

2.  Who receives rent money?

-If the answer to any of these questions is “3CDC,” or one of its affiliated companies or corporations, please answer the following:

3.  Why has a private corporation been allowed to build a private building in the middle of a public space?

Thank you, in advance, for your time.  I am eager to study your responses.


The Dean of Cincinnati

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