Monday, September 24, 2007
Posted by Justin Jeffre
Photo courtesy of here.
Council Chambers haven’t been as packed as they were today since the slashing of the health and human services budget. I was there to protest the proposed cuts and so were hundreds of retirees, but before I got the chance to speak, Leslie Ghiz put forth a motion to save our current retirees benefits.
There were several council candidates that were there to speak their minds on the issue, but before most were able to speak, Council did what any person with morals and principles would have done. They did what any politician that was looking to get reelected and was in their right mind would have done. They decided not to break our city’s promise to the men and women that have given our city great service for decades.
Why would city council consider taking away retirees benefits? Could it just be because of inverted priorities and the mismanagement of the City’s funds have left us with serious financial troubles and there were just no other solutions? Or, is it because it’s an election year and council members wanted a chance to grandstand for the camera and play to a packed crowd that will surely be at the polls in full force November 6th? After all, as the announcement was made, Leslie Ghiz did say, “This has been in the pipeline for a long time.”
Could this have just been a great way for council members to grandstand? City Council candidate Brian Garry suspected the latter. Garry said that he thought they had planned this all along. When Wendell Young—another Council Candidate—was asked about this potential scenario he described it as “a smart move.” Several council members—who didn’t seem so compassionate while they were slashing the human services budget—did take the opportunity to talk about their Grandpas and how “moved” they were by all the letters and calls.
One must wonder if this was in fact in the works, why council would make a lot of elderly folks go through the trouble of coming down to City Hall to flex their muscles. (I think if City Manager Milton Dohoney would’ve been in the room he would’ve needed police protection from Scotty Johnson.) Our elders know that when the people rumble the politicians straighten up fast. The roar of the people usually makes politicians dance to a different tune. Our elders know you can take on City Hall and win.
While it’s always good to see passionate citizens coming down to make some noise and talk some sense into what often seem like out of touch politicians, it’s a sad state of affairs that the funds dedicated to the basic needs of our people are always the first thing on the chopping block.
Meanwhile, corporate welfare for the favored few is handed out under the public’s radar screen. (One of the most recent gifts was to Corporex in the form of a $30 million dollar parking garage.) These deals are nice if you can get them, but they place a hidden tax on the backs of working class people and don’t give us the kind of returns on investment that we are promised.
Moving Cincinnati in the right direction will take a new set of priorities. Bringing new priorities to City Hall that put our people before big business will take some new voices and a lot more listening from our public servants. More importantly, it will take an engaged citizen movement putting forth our citizen solutions and sending those in power a message.
As we move towards November, citizens have a unique opportunity to gain access, get answers to important questions and bring a new set of priorities to City Hall.
Half of democracy is just showing up!
Let’s get ready to rumble!
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