The Cincinnati Beacon
No shirt.  No shoes.  Access to City Hall?
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Recently, a colleague noticed that City Hall does not have any signs posted on the front door like everyone has seen at private establishments that are open to the public, like restaurants.  You know the sign:  “No Shirt.  No Shoes.  No Service.” (Recently, I saw a restaurant had updated the sign mistakenly, so it read “No Smoking.  No Shirt.  No Shoes.  No Service.” But that is another matter.) Is this sign’s absence because City Hall does not serve food, and further because it is a public building?  In other words, must one be wearing a shirt and shoes to enter City Hall?  Can someone wearing only underpants enter and request an appointment with the Mayor?

I know the question sounds ridiculous, but I think it also has a serious edge.

In other words, if you have nothing in this world save your underpants, is that enough to give you access to your public and elected officials?

I hope the answer to that question is “Yes,” but I don’t think I’ll be going downtown wearing only tighty-whities anytime soon.  Still, something to think about through the Sunday morning hangover after the party last night at Bang!

Photo courtesy of here.

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