Friday, December 09, 2005
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Sometimes, I find things that have been left behind: discarded insights into the lives of other people. This evening I came across someone’s shopping list, and I thought some of you, like me, might enjoy the testamonial such a tid-bit makes into the nature of humanity…
What strikes me is the discrepancy between “Needed Items” and “Desired Items.” Things like Great Northern Beans, Box Cheese, and Gravy are listed as essential � and that list of “Needed Items” is long, too, coming in with 38 things.
But then look at the poor and forgotten “Desired Items,” with its insignificant list that couldn’t quite make it to seven.
Of course Bacon Bits are not essential, but to think that some soul out there, working on a budget most likely, had a dream on December 9th of 2005 to afford some Bacon Bits.
It can be the simple pleasures, sometimes, that remind us of our humanity.
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