Thursday, August 30, 2007
Posted by stephen dapper
The community needs to remember these citizens as they ponder the need for a larger jail.
Following links contain latest Judge Mock housing court criminals, I have been watching their cases closely, comments below each link are from my notes.
Ron Brown has been featured in Beacon recently, he tinkers with lawn mowers, he will be in jail until February 1, 2008
61y/o John Poole has been incarcerated since July 13, 2007 his out date is November 23, 2007. His crime? Eula Mae Hunter, his deceased mother, bequeathed him the family homestead at 3590 Eden Ave, the estate remains in probate court, nonetheless, honorable Judge Mock determined Mr. Poole is responsible for a neighbors leaking sewer line that crosses dead Eula’s lands.
58y/o Indian architect Navneet latest Judge Mock parody of justice, he went to jail this past Friday, August 24, he is to remain there until February 8, 2008.
Navneet did not complete work on his Riddle Road front porch quickly enough for the Judge.
My dictionary defines MOCK:
(1) MOCK vb 1: to treat with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE
(2) MOCK n 1: an act of ridicule or derision : JEER
(3) MOCK adj 1: of, relating to, or having the character of an imitation : SIMULATED, FEIGNED
(4) MOCK adv 1: in an insincere or counterfeit manner—usu. used in combination
Each defines a form of Judge Mock’s justice, perhaps Russell Mock dreams of having his own Tee-Vee show, (watch MOCK JUSTICE tonight at 6:00) while all Hamilton County Residents are trapped in nightmares of his doing.
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