The Cincinnati Beacon
Michael Earl Patton, To The Rescue!
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Thank God for MEP.  Without him, we might not have had a wide distribution of where it looks like Si Leis might be using taxpayer dollars to campaign for the jail tax!  And because of Michael Earl Patton, The Cincinnati Beacon’s presentation of this evidence has been entered into the suit against Leis, and we have even been mentioned in the suit!

This article appeared today at The Enquirer.  The story text links up with a PDF of the court documents, and from there you can read the details—including our debut into court evidence!

I am proud not only that The Beacon helped advance this story, but that Michael Earl Patton’s work has helped advance a cause.  He does great work as a citizen researcher and activist.  I really think he would get much done if elected to City Council.

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On today's date in The Beacon archives, we published:

3CDC—Busted Telling Lies? (2006)
The Cincinnati Beacon on Ballot Issues (2006)
Peter Bronson Needs Discipline:  A Cincinnati Beacon Call To Action! (2006)
The Enquirer Endorses Mud-Slinging for Governor (2006)
A Letter from a Reader:  Anderson Filled with Fascists? (2006)
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