The Cincinnati Beacon
Laketa Cole Took Too Much!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

The text of a letter submitted this morning regarding Laketa Cole’s receipt of too many dollars from a single contributor, according to Cincinnati’s campaign finance laws.  I am calling on her to be fined $150.00.

April 11, 2007

Roshani Hardin
Cincinnati Election Commission
Cincinnati Law Department
801 Plum Street Room 214
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Dear Roshani Hardin:

It has recently come to my attention that Laketa Cole received too much money from a particular campaign contributor in the 2005 race for City Council.

According to your database of contributions, Keith R. Glaser gave Laketa Cole $150.00 on April 15, 2005.  He gave an additional $250.00 on July 28, 2005, and yet another contribution of $650.00 on October 26, 2005.

As you can see, that totals $1,050.00—which is $50.00 over the campaign contribution limit for an individual.

I am writing this letter now because I just noticed this discrepancy upon recent review of 2005 contribution records in preparing for the 2007 election season.  However, the lateness of this discovery does not change the facts—namely, that Laketa Cole accepted too much money in 2005 from Keith R. Glaser, and that she violated campaign contribution laws.

Please confirm whether you will take action against Laketa Cole for this violation.  If not, I expect an explanation about why she is exempt from Article XIII, Section 2(e) of the City’s Charter, which states she shall be penalized for three times the amount of the excess.  In this case, therefore, Laketa Cole should be fined $150.00.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to studying your reply.


The Dean of Cincinnati

cc:  Laketa Cole, Kevin Osborne, Greg Flannery, Jane Prendergast, Joe Wessels

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