The Cincinnati Beacon
Laketa Cole on the Berding Gravy Train?
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Photo courtesy of .

Laketa Cole is sending solicitation letters out asking for contributions to her campaign based on her association with Jeff Berding—despite the recent controversy Berding’s endorsement by the Hamilton County Democrats caused many rank-and-file party members.  (See video footage of the controversy yourself, thanks to Justin Jeffre’s video journalism here.)

Her letter ends with a P.S. that says:  “Thank you in advance for your support.  Jeff and I will continue to work together both at City Hall and during our re-election efforts.  He and I are enthusiastically supporting each other’s efforts.”

Here is a question for Team Cole to consider:  have they been using Berding’s contribution list for solicitations before using their own?  What if the emerging anti-Berding force in the Democratic Party had originally given a small contribution to Berding, but a larger contribution to Cole?  Would it make sense for Cole to use an affiliation with Berding to earn contributions from her long-time supporters?

For whatever reason, Cole’s affiliation with the Fiscal Fascist Five Four has not stained her reputation like it has Berding’s.  But the more she flirts with the carrot of his alleged fundraising abilities, the more she flirts with losing the support of her Democratic constituents.

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