The Cincinnati Beacon
Justin Jeffre’s Council Campaign Quietly Collects Surprising Endorsements
Monday, September 24, 2007

Posted by Media Release

Justin Jeffre’s city council campaign has quietly earned a diverse and noteworthy collection of endorsements.

Bill Joiner, a Democratic activist who has been a vocal opponent of Jeff Berding, has endorsed Jeffre. “I have been a loyal Democrat for many years because I believe in traditional Democratic values,” explained Joiner. “I recognize that not every Democrat lives up to those values, and there are others who are not Democrats but who, despite their party labels, embrace those Democratic values. I believe Justin Jeffre is one of those persons, and I am happy to endorse his candidacy for City Council.”

Former Democratic mayor of Forest Park and candidate for County Commission, Stephanie Dumas, has endorsed Jeffre, too.  “His creativity, energy and willingness to seek innovative solutions makes him an ideal candidate to move Cincinnati forward,” said Dumas.  “Justin truly has a heart for the people.”

These come in addition to the support of organizations like the Southwest Ohio Green Party, and CincyLatino.

Other Democrats have started to follow suit.  Jenny Edwards , an active Democrat living in the West End, has also endorsed Jeffre.  “I’ve had opportunity to get to know Justin working with major Democratic campaigns and issues; in one instance, he was the opposition. Endorsing him is easy as he lives and walks the talk of Democratic values,” said Edwards.

Other area progressives have lined up behind Jeffre, including Georgine Getty and Dan LaBotz.

“As an advocate and media watchdog, Justin Jeffre has always been a friend to those who need him: young people, poor people, people without meaningful access to local government, working families and people hungry for thoughtful information on difficult subjects (and not just glossy sound bites),” said Georgine Getty.  “He is not afraid to speak truth to power, in fact, he thrives on it.”

“We need to turn away from the corporate-dominated politics that serve big business but neglect our communities,” said Dan LaBotz.  “We need to go green with planned and sustainable development, we need to overcome the city’s legacy of racism and discrimination. We need city politicians who think in terms of the larger political context. For all of these reasons, I urge Cincinnatians to vote for Jeffre for City Council.”

While area PACs are rolling out their endorsements of incumbents and big money candidates—indicating, perhaps, the desire for some kind of exchange-rate to accompany endorsements—Jeffre’s campaign is building upon a network of dedicated activists determined to change the face of Cincinnati’s political landscape.

“I am proud to be supported by such a diverse group of hardworking and dedicated individuals,” said Jeffre.

Other endorsements include celebrity Nick Lachey, UC Historian Mark Lause, and former Green candidate for Ohio Governor and election-rights activist Bob Fitrakis.

Update:  Pamela Smitherman has endorsed Justin Jeffre.  “I endorse Justin Jeffre because he supports issues that directly impact the average citizen, such as recycling, keeping health clinics open, maintaining the 1.5% budget allotment for human services, and keeping recreation centers and pools open for community use.” said Smitherman.  “He does not support the jail tax.  He is against corporate welfare which takes resources away that can be used for a larger portion of the city’s population.  I suggest people closely compare what we have on council now and what Justin Jeffre has to offer.”

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