The Cincinnati Beacon
Interview with Andre Harper, Candidate for Cincinnati City Council, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Andre Harper has been endorsed by the Hamilton County Republican Party in 2007 for Cincinnati City Council.  In this interview, we ask him about the recent budget scandal, his position on the prison industrial complex, gay rights, and corporate welfare.  Find out more about Andre Harper by visiting his website:

The Dean: If you had served on the current council, would you have been part of the so-called “Fiscal Five,” or the minority faction in regards to this recent budget?  Please explain your answer.

Andre Harper: If I had served on the current council, I would not have belonged to the “Fiscal Five” or any other faction. I would submit my ideas and work with the entire council to come up with a budget with the city’s best interest in mind.

The Dean: In your manifesto, you say you want to declare “war on crime.” You also say you want to attack “the root causes of crime.” You write, “Many people commit crimes because of lack of education and believing that they have no place in society.  I will form alliances between the educational and the non-profit community to address these basic needs by emphasizing education and self-sufficiency.” Please describe an example of the kind of alliance you hope to form, and why you must serve on City Council in order to encourage this type of alliance.

Andre Harper: My mother was sixteen when I was born and we received some type of public assistance until I was in the 11th grade. Throughout my life I was exposed to many criminals and substance abusers. This front row seat, allowed me to watch them, study them and see common patterns that encouraged “criminal” behavior. Everyone may sympathize, but you must travel the same roads in order to empathize with people. I am one of these people.

Here is an example of an alliance I would form. I believe that there is help for anyone that wants to change their life. I would work with all non-profit, government, and private entities to build a roadmap to personal empowerment. Everyone’s situation is different, so a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. I will organize all of our assistance agencies, categorize them, and when a person brings a sincere effort to improve their life, we will have coaches ready to design their “playbook to empowerment.” Being elected to council will allow me to make policy that will be practical and provide funding for initiatives that will benefit Cincinnati’s citizens.

The Dean: You wrote, “I also believe that for every decision there is a consequence and one should be punished for breaking the law.” In a recent video interview, when Leslie Ghiz was asked about the City’s marijuana ordinance, she said the law was created so police could search suspects with the goal of seizing guns.  She said she was not interested in having the police put pot smoking college students in jail.  Do you share this sentiment?  Or, do you believe the law should be enforced equally, and that all the pot smoking college students in Clifton should suffer the same legal fate as their inner-city counterparts?

Andre Harper: I believe that the law should be blind, and see no difference in the parties concerned.

The Dean: Do you support the plan of a new sales tax in Hamilton County for the construction of a larger jail?  How do you respond to critics who claim such positions simply feed into the injustices of the prison industrial complex?

Andre Harper: I do believe that Hamilton County needs a new jail. When criminals know that early release is a strong possibility it doesn’t help the efforts of our officers who operate in the trenches.

I don’t believe in the “prison industrial complex” at all. Prisons don’t recruit inmates. People commit crimes using their own free will. Criminals know that when they engage in criminal activity, they risk incarceration. They feed themselves into the so-called “prison industrial complex.”

The Dean: You claim your “manifesto” is more than a “plan” because plans are just “ideas”—whereas your “manifesto” is something you will work tirelessly to actualize.  In this manifesto, you write, “I will empower community councils by being sensitive to their needs.” Quite frankly, statements like this seem rather similar to the kinds we have seen in other candidates’ “plans.” What makes you think your manifesto is that much more superior to other candidates’ ideas?  Is such bravado conducive to the types of collaborative skills necessary for working in a large and diverse public body?

Andre Harper: My manifesto is my vision for Cincinnati. My manifesto is the vision that I will work tirelessly to create. I will develop and main regular dialog with all of the community councils. My thought process is that I find the goal and then strategically work to accomplish it. My manifesto will be accepted because of its practicality and optimism. My bravado and proven track record of collaboration will be a welcomed addition to Cincinnati City Council. I am a man who constantly beats the odds while gaining legions of friends because of my confidence and ability to connect with everyone.

The Dean: As you know, the current budget slashed social services.  You write, “Our local government should support initiatives that promote economic growth and provide tax incentives for Cincinnati homeowners.” Some have called the City’s property tax roll-back the “six-pack tax,” since it only saves individual home owners enough money annually to purchase a six-pack of beer.  Taken as a whole, however, ending the roll-back could provide funding for recently decimated services, among other intiatives.  What is your stance on the property tax rollback?  Please explain your answer, especially as it fits with your view of the City’s job in providing human services.

Andre Harper: I don’t support insignificant tax cuts that sound good politically. My long term goal would be to make significant cuts for homeowners and encourage others to invest in the city. While I don’t believe that money is the cure to all woes, it is for governments. Council has proven that they can spend money but not make it. The budget will continue to be cut year after year as long as they avoid growing the revenue. I am sick of council members saying they support “economic empowerment” without addressing it. I will focus on building revenue so we don’t have to keep making severe cuts annually. I believe in human services that encourage self empowerment that will lead to self-sufficiency.

The Dean: What is your position on “corporate welfare”?  How much public money should private corporations like 3CDC receive?  Do you support corporatized and privatized urban planning?  How do you feel about accusations that 3CDC is gentrifying Over-The-Rhine and displacing the poor?

Andre Harper: I don’t believe in the term “corporate welfare.” I believe in public-private partnerships. Cincinnati’s urban core and many neighborhoods have struggled economically for years, so it’s going to take some sacrifices and political will to get things prospering again. The “poor” have to realize that they have a place in society and they have to be willing to do their share to build this community. 

The Dean: You appear to believe in empowering citizens, writing that you want to “[e]mpower citizens so that everyone can contribute to this great city.” One way citizens can find a voice is through independent media outlets.  What role does the new media play in your vision of empowering citizens?  What kind of access will you give to citizen journalists if you are elected?

Andre Harper: I believe that independent media outlets are great ways for people to get their message across. Everyone has a place and each person has something to offer to society. When I was in college I very active in student media and it’s a great outlet for expression. If elected to council, I would make myself available, but my family members are off limits, PERIOD!  I truly believe in the power of the human spirit. I have watched people close to death rise; I have watched people strung out on dope quit to become community leaders.

The Dean: What is your position on gay rights?

Andre Harper: While I don’t condone homosexuality, I don’t have a problem with adults expressing their sexuality in private with other adults. However, someone shouldn’t receive greater or less preference in the eye of the law because of their private intimate decisions.

The Dean: What do you say about your affiliation with the Republican Party to Cincinnati’s Black voters, who are traditionally Democrats?

Andre Harper: I am running because I want to stop the violent crime. I am running to increase the Cincinnati’s revenue to lower the burden on its citizens. To my knowledge, public safety and economic vitality aren’t partisan issues.  I am thankful for the Hamilton County Republican Party’s support and belief in my ability. Like everyone else, Blacks should use their God given free will to vote for the candidates who have their best interest in mind. We have to stop letting self serving so-called “community leaders” tell us how to live our lives. I don’t believe that just because I was born Black, that I should be restricted to a certain political affiliation.

The Dean: Do you have any final remarks? 

Andre Harper: I humbly ask for your vote on November 6th 2007. I want the opportunity to serve you because I have the experience, vision and desire to immediately make a difference and lead Cincinnati to its rightful place as one of the best cities in the world. Thank you for this opportunity. I hope that is will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.

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