Saturday, October 06, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Dear Commissioner Portune:
A recent Enquirer article mentions the press conference where you and Republican Si Leis displayed lots of scary weapons to promote the new jail proposal. That same article refers to the elevator lobby as “public space,” and it also mentions that you wanted to go “overboard” by requesting a bill for space rental. These two bits of information beg two important questions.
Firstly, is the elevator lobby “public space”? If so, I presume any political campaign can use that space for any purpose as typical for any public space—as in handing out literature, holding placards, and so forth. Please confirm if the anti-jail crowd—or City Council candidates, for that matter—can actively campaign in this lobby.
Secondly, pursuant to Ohio open records laws, please provide an electronic copy of any bill relative to the request mentioned in the Enquirer for rental fee for this public space. Also, please direct me to the party in charge of scheduling for the lobby, as I may wish to rent it for some upcoming events.
Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration. I am eager to study your response.
The Dean of Cincinnati
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