Thursday, June 28, 2007
Posted by Justin Jeffre
In 1996 Dr. Linda Peeno made headlines when she appeared before Congress to confess about her work as a medical reviewer for the giant HMO Humana. “When I actually went to interview, I was asked if I could be tough, because I was going to be telling doctors that they couldn’t do things and that I would be expected to keep a 10% denial rate.”
Peeno became one of the country’s best-known whistleblowers about HMOs and the healthcare industry. She is featured in Michael Moore’s new movie “SiCKO” which premieres June 29th. I’ve seen the film and it’s excellent, but if you live in SW Ohio, you won’t be allowed to see “SiCKO”. The Esquire in Cincinnati and the Neon in Dayton will show it. Hats off to these art houses. They deserve our patronage, but Corporate America appears to have decided that SW Ohioans will not be allowed to see it in major movie house chains. lists what should be up-to-date listings of movie houses showing “SiCKO”, and as of this writing, major SW Ohio movie houses don’t plan on showing it.
Here’s an excerpt of her testimony:
DR. LINDA PEENO: I am here primarily today to make a public confession. In the spring of 1987, as a physician, I denied a man a necessary operation that would have saved his life and thus caused his death. No person and no group has held me accountable for this, because, in fact, what I did was I saved a company a half a million dollars for this.
You can read or watch an interview with her here.
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