Saturday, June 23, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Photo courtesy of here.
If you have never heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, read this open letter from Bobby Henderson to the Kansas City School Board. Henderson, who wanted to protest the inclusion of intelligent design in high school curriculum, wrote his letter that he would like his god, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, to be included. According to Flying Spaghetti Monsterism—whose followers are called “Pastafarians”—the FSM really likes pirates, and has been punishing the world with global warming since pirates have disappeared. The proof: Henderson has a chart showing an inverse statistical relationship between the number of pirates and the increase of global warming.
General consciousness about global warming seems to have reached a new critical mass, perhaps thanks to Al Gore’s movie and the growing awareness of green technologies.
But has anyone noticed, while more people become aware of global warming and take steps to combat it, that our culture has become filled with even more pirates? Pirates, in many ways, are experiencing a renaissance in America right now.
Take the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series as one example. As part III hit theaters, things hit a new level: CBS has a pirate-themed reality show.
I’m just saying—global warming awareness up, pirates everywhere. Perhaps the noodly appendage of the FSM is behind this!
Just something to think about on your way to the Creation Museum this weekend…
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