The Cincinnati Beacon
Extensive Coverage in CityBeat!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

This week’s CityBeat will be a collector’s item for any fan of The Cincinnati Beacon (in fact, maybe I should make myself available in public to autograph copies!).  Two stories touch on our efforts here with our web site and our new print newspaper—with Justin Jeffre even making the front cover!  Thank you, CityBeat!  Here are some excerpts and some additional thoughts.

Firstly, here is a fantastic story by veteran newsman Ben Kaufman about how we have ventured into print news publishing.  I think the story is significant for a number of reasons, the most obvious of which is that I think we may be the first single blog to turn into a newspaper, and therefore Ben Kaufman has the print scoop on this national (or even international) story!

OK… maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.  But here are some details that I’d like to cast in a different perspective.  From Kaufman’s article:

H aap, 32, a high school English teacher and Kennedy Heights resident, is innocent of journalism training. His extensive blog combines facts (reporting) and editorializing (opinion) by a non-journalist and his non-journalist buddies.

I would like to point out that an experienced and knowledgeable newsman, Ben Kaufman, has just called me a “non-journalist.” For some reason I think Kaufman is more qualified than Jeff Cramerding to determine who is a journalist.  (Cramerding, the executive director of the Charter Party, denied my membership because he says I am a “journalist”—a story widely covered by The Beacon, CityBeat, as well as The Cincinnati Post.)

I think I may need to hand-deliver a copy of CityBeat to the Charter Party this week.  Maybe I’ll do that, and drop of a check for my wife’s membership.  (She’s not a journalist, is she?)

Greg Flannery wrote a great story about Justin Jeffre and his political activism.  I think the theme of that story is that just showing up is half the battle for media reform.  So, everyone, let’s continue to get involved!

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August 22, 6pm-7:30pm

Neighborhoods United - Building Community across Neighborhoods

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Today's Date in History

On today's date in The Beacon archives, we published:

Tom Brinkman Does Not Support The Heimlich Jail Tax (2006)
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