Friday, December 09, 2005
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
In yesterday’s Enquirer, Feosha Henderson reported about citizens in Blue Ash defeating an attempt to build a Super Target. (What is Phil Heimlich doing in that story? Is he really a champion against such development, or does he and Chris Finney have their own real estate connections influencing his decision?) In any event, the following letter from Robert Greewald (producer/director Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price) seems timely given these local developments…
Dear activists, colleagues and friends,
It’s holiday time and with Chrismaramadakwanzakkuh, there is a lot to celebrate, so let’s really celebrate and have some good old fashioned fun.
First, we all know that the holidays are a time we spend hours fighting with relatives about the same old family issues, so how about screening the Wal-Mart movie and having something new to fight about: economic justice, the role of corporations, and the country’s health care crisis. You know, good traditional holiday stuff. Have a chat, a fight, a discussion, whatever you call it and tell us about it on my blog:
To help, we have a special deal, you can get 5 DVDs for $50, with free shipping anywhere in the U.S. Give them to everyone you know, want to know, or want to upset.
It’s also the time for music, so recruit your tone deaf friends (no more singing in the shower) and create some music and contribute it to the grassroots indie soundtrack for the film. MC Lars and Thomas Schroyer got the ball rolling with their Wal-Mart themed songs. You can download the MP3s for “Wal-Mart Nation” and “The Mart” right off the site, and submit your own song:
Contrast this indie spirit with our friend Garth Brooks who has decided to make his music available only at Wal-Mart. We’re pretty sure Garth’s a good guy though, so please encourage him to use his newly acquired status at Wal-Mart to make the company a better steward of its resources, employees and their families. He sold 500,000 box sets in one day, that’s gotta give him an audience with the top brass, right? Email his office, write a song, or remix one of his songs. Make it personal and specific.
You can email Garth at:
. Please include
on the email as well so we can see the impact.
Happy holidays everyone, we look forward to being serenaded with your music and we look forward to hearing about your holiday Wal-Mart movie screenings.
Robert Greenwald
producer/director, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
P.S. Thinking about regifting that sweater Aunt Betty gave you last year? Try sticking the Wal-Mart movie in that special someone’s stocking instead. Remember, 5 DVDs for $50… you can’t beat it!
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