Thursday, October 19, 2006
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Pepper Receiving Support Across Party Lines, Independents
A media release from the David Pepper campaign.
(Hamilton County)—Today, after interviewing both candidates, the Charter Committee of Cincinnati endorsed David Pepper for Hamilton County Commission.
The Charter Committee, a political group which includes members of both major political parties and independents, has stood for good government in Cincinnati and Hamilton County ever since they first organized the Charter movement in the 1920s. The organization was founded to end the backroom deals and corrupt government that held Cincinnati back in the early decades of the 20th century. Prominent members of the Charter Committee include: Vice Mayor Jim Tarbell, Councilmember Chris Bortz, former Mayor Arn Bortz, former Mayor Bobbie Sterne, former Vice Mayor Marian Spencer, and numerous other highly respected officials.
“I am honored to receive the Charter endorsement,” Pepper said. “Charter has steadfastly insisted that members of all parties work together for clean, efficient, and well-run local government--which is exactly what I am advocating for the County Commission.” Pepper has committed to clean up Hamilton County government from many of its flawed and backward practices--such as hiring cronies to critical jobs--so the County can start delivering results again.
The Charter endorsement adds to a string of recent high-profile endorsements for Pepper, including the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Cincinnati Firefighters/Local 48, former Sen. Majority Leader George Mitchell, and a bipartisan group of officials that includes former County Commissioner John Dowlin (R), Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory (D), and current County Commissioner Todd Portune.
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