The Cincinnati Beacon
Brinkman, DeWine Respond to Attacks
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

For Democratic supporters of the regressive sales tax to build a big new jail, those non-Republicans opposed to the plan have been hoodwinked.  They maintain that groups like the NAACP have been manipulated by anti-black Republican interests who just want to jail people without giving them treatment options.  Nevermind the fact that the NAACP voted to oppose the tax before ever talking to COAST, Pat DeWine, or others. 

So how would Brinkman and DeWine defend themselves against such radical accusations?  Do the accusations have merit, or are they simply exploiting the politics of fear to push an agenda?

“First, I don’t quite get the argument,” said County Commissioner Pat DeWine. “[I am] a mean Republican; therefore, people shouldn’t be allowed to vote on the Portune-Pepper tax increase.  Huh?”

“The issue, it seems to me, is very simple,” continued DeWine. “Should citizens have a right to vote on this tax?  It is their money —shouldn’t they have a say in how they are going to spend it?”

Brinkman objects to the idea that he does not care about treatment.  “My first bill was to extend the life of drug court,” explained Brinkman.  “My brother went through this and it was successful and I support these programs. Strickland’s budget actually cut funding in this area.”

DeWine maintains that he does support rehabilitative initiatives.  “I do absolutely believe that there is a role for programs geared towards rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.  It’s not only the right thing to do, but it makes sense from a fiscal conservative standpoint—its incredibly expensive to keep people in jail.”

So what about the accusations that if the Portune-Pepper plan fails, Leis will sue and we’ll be stuck with an inhumane jail that does not rehabilitate people?  DeWine has an answer for that, too.  “While I do believe that there is a need for additional jail space in the County, I also believe that there are other things we can do within our system to improve our current situation,” he explained.  “I introduced a motion this past February that would utilize a variety of alternative programs and sanctions to free up additional jails spaces, and provide treatment options.  The County is currently implementing some of these recommendations.”

For Brinkman, to cut back on incarceration, we need to address drug and alcohol addiction, as well as illiteracy.  He says drug court reduces the number of repeat offenders—and as far as illiteracy is concerned, he looks toward Cincinnati Public Schools as failing.

“Republicans champion school choice as a way to get more kids in to better schools,” claimed Brinkman.  “It is hoped that this competition will force the public schools to do a better job.  The Democrats do not support choice and just want more money to go to public schools.”

“Republicans could have said, to hell with the inner city public schools because its natural constituents are in suburban and private schools,” continued Brinkman. “Instead we have spent political capital a-plenty on this issue and we are not going to stop.  This can really help the ‘poor people and black people’ the Democrats say we do not care about.”

Commissioner DeWine concludes with some arguments that sound reasoned, and independent of some malicious and racist intent—which is what their detractors claim.  “The Pepper-Portune plan throws money at ill-defined treatment programs in what seems a fairly transparent attempt to co-opt those who might ordinarily be opposed to the plan.  I have my doubts,” explained DeWine.  “The County’s first jail consultant—the Vorhis Group—stated in their report that Hamilton County has, “the most sophisticated, creative, and complete grouping of alternatives that the consultant has observed.” But what Vera said is that this may be true, but what we lack is accountability and performance standards within the programs we already have.  Quite simply, the County doesn’t know what’s working because its not measuring what works!  That’s something that doesn’t take a lot of money to do, what it takes is discipline and work.”

DeWine ends with some cold, hard facts—the kind its hard to turn into a racist conspiracy at the hand of black-hating Republicans.  “The reality is that most offenders are in the County jail for only a short period of time.  In fact, the average offender is in jail for less than 24 hours.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to do a better job on treatment - but all the evidence is that many of these programs are best delivered in a community
based sanction program outside of a traditional jail setting.  One flaw in the current plan is that they go in the opposite direction: moving community based programs into costly and less effective jail space.”

So, pushing people into jail to receive treatment they could get more effectively in community-based environments?  Might make you stop and question what the really racist motives are.

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