The Cincinnati Beacon
Brian Garry Supports Inclusion
Monday, May 14, 2007

Posted by Media Release

Brian Garry, candidate for Cincinnati City Council, thanks our Mayor, City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for appointing Steve Love and Robert Richardson to the Banks Working Group. “I applaud the Labor Unions for their firm support of a platform which includes a representative cross-section of our citizens. I strongly urge the adoption of the Policy of Economic Inclusion and Workforce Development. It makes sense, it’s only fair and it’s the right thing to do,” says Garry.

All of the members of the Working Group have made statements as to the need for the meaningful participation of African Americans and other minorities. The Banks Project belongs to all of us in Cincinnati and Hamilton County, therefore the Citizens’ Working Group Platform should be supported.

“Our grandest project can be something more than just offices with a view, condos, and parking garages and lattes. It can be the beacon of what an enlightened city is and should be. It can be the turning point that will once again place Cincinnati at the commercial and emotional heart of our region,“ offers Garry.

By affirming inclusion, we are affirming the best that we have in our city. Supporting Inclusion as a guiding principle makes the statement that this project is not just another development which will benefit only a few to the exclusion of the many.  We need to meet this squarely obligation and make a commitment to ALL of our Citizens that we will include All people in this project and to truly build,… ONE Cincinnati. 

Media release distributed by Brian Garry’s council campaign.

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