The Cincinnati Beacon
Berding’s Bait-and-Switch on Cincinnati Democratic Precinct Executives
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Photo courtesy of .

Kevin Osborne was first to report the story that Jeff Berding had blitzed Cincinnati Democratic Precinct Executives with propaganda to support his endorsement for the upcoming City Council campaign, but what specifically was included in these mailers?  The Cincinnati Beacon is pleased to provide you with exclusive digital images of Berding’s four-piece mailing.  And you might be surprised at what’s inside.  What does Phil Heimlich, for example, have to do whether Jeff Berding is a real Democrat?

In the actual letter written by Berding (click to view a large version), he uses his work with the United Way as a feeble attempt to front Democratic credentials:

I recognize that everyone has unique views based on their own upbringing and experiences.  Coming from a large middle class German family on the West Side, I acknowledge that I may be more fiscally restrained than some in the party would prefer.  I want to make clear that I support doing not only more for less, but also more for those who have less.  I spent 10 years as a volunteer at the United Way because of my personal dedication to finding real solutions for those needing help.  I want to ensure that we get maximum results for those we want to help with our tax dollars (they need it!), and to reach out to the County, non-profit and private sectors to help us pay the bills while the City struggles through this economic downturn.

I love the parenthetical exclamation (it’s so cute!), and I wonder if Berding wrote that himself, or if it came from one of his campaign aides.  Rhetorically, it is designed to give personality and compassion to Berding’s propaganda—perhaps so people forget how hard-core Berding attacked workers in the health clinics he threatened with closure, saying they may have used office copy-machines to urge people to oppose his inhumane cuts.

If that’s not enough, Berding included a list of quotes from other so-called Democrats (click to view a larger version).  No surprises here—people like Todd Portune, David Pepper, Laketa Cole, and Eric Kearney were pressed to give their party statements about how they think Jeff Berding is a great Democrat. 

Here’s Portune’s quote:

It is well known that Jeff and I had a fairly public falling out over events that occurred seven (7) years ago.  What is less known is that Jeff and I have reconciled our differences and he has become one of Hamilton County’s, and my, biggest allies on Council in advancing our Democratic county agenda collaboratively with the city.  Jeff, through his work and advocacy of our Democratic issues, has earned my trust and support.

The specific nature of these “Democratic issues” is left unstated—so the reader is left to guess at what Democratic issues Berding has supported.  Berding supported the City’s anti-marijuana ordinance, even though Portune opposed it (source), for just one example of them disagreeing on a significant issue.

Next, Berding decided to write about his own accomplishments—as if we can expect that source to be reliable!  (Click to view a larger version.) He cites his approval of the Chronic Nuisance Property Ordinance—which, as has been noted by Michael Earl Patton, actually seems designed to drive a certain profile out of the City.  According to Patton’s report, the police urged landlords not to rent to anyone with a prior drug conviction.  Due to the anti-marijuana ordinance supported by Jeff Berding, thousands of people now have harsher drug convictions on their records.  (Remember, less than 2% of those arrested had guns.) How about that for a Democratic candidate:  supporting more drug arrests then telling landlords not to rent to people with drug arrests!

But my favorite enclosure in Berding’s pathetic attempt to gain the support of precinct executives is this flyer about how bad Phil Heimlich was (click for larger image).  What is it doing in the envelope with the other materials?

It looks like Berding is using a widespread distaste of Phil Heimlich to distract from his own piss-poor record.  What are the precinct executives supposed to think when they see this old flyer?  What does Phil Heimlich have to do with Jeff Berding’s Democratic credentials?

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