The Cincinnati Beacon
The Wonderful World of Apuzzo
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

UPDATE! Read our latest coverage of Rich Apuzzo:  ”“Apuzzo Means Weather”—The Ongoing Saga of Rich Apuzzo.”

Hat-tip, Jamie J.

Today, and The Enquirer report that Rich Apuzzo—the chief meteorologist at Fox19—has been fired.  No details have been released, but the article includes two live links to .  Being the intrepid web surfers that we are, The Cincinnati Beacon and some associates decided to click-investigate.

Turns out Rich Apuzzo is totally into weather.  Seriously.  I mean, the guy is all about the weather.  More than I would have thought humanly possible.  So much so, he actually has a fairly active discussion board dedicated to talking about the weather—which I thought people only did when in awkward social situations with nothing else to say!

You can check out this strand, apparently started by Rich’s wife Ruthie Apuzzo.  It begins with this battle cry:

I just wanted to give you all a heads up, Rich is no longer working for Fox19 as of today. Rich is a free agent now. For those who want to see Rich on another TV station let your voices be heard and though I wasn’t planning on expanding my weather consulting firm yet, things are now in the works. Apuzzo means weather, and education and forecasting is what the Apuzzo’s do. Stay tuned.

I did not know that “Apuzzo” meant “weather,” and I also did not know that Rich Apuzzo comes from a long line of meteorologists.  I also can’t imagine what a weather consulting firm does, but more on that in a moment.

For those of you who can’t get enough Apuzzo, check out this public statement, issued today on the discussion forum:

Hi Everyone,

Let the feeding frenzy and the rumors begin. That’s okay. I am a big boy and not bothered by those who enjoy kicking people when they’re down, but it’s sad to hear the rumors begin even before anything was officially announced. It’s nothing new to the TV industry though, so fasten your seat belts for the next few days, and enjoy the ride.

The situation at FOX19 is an internal matter and one which ethically can not be discussed here or anywhere else for that matter. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone and in the bigger picture, it’s counter-productive. The situation was handled professionally by all involved and it’s time to attack new challenges in the weeks ahead.

I have wonderful relationships with the other TV stations in town, and while that guarantees nothing, there is always hope. Let me make one thing very clear. Weather is my life, and I can pursue that passion from anywhere in the world. I choose to be here in Cincinnati and I hope to retire here someday. If something big opens up somewhere else in the country, then in the interest of my family I will have to leave the Tri-State.

To my fans reading this; thank you for all your love and support! I couldn’t do what I do without you. The past 13 years in Cincinnati have been wonderful and I look forward to many more here.

Keep checking back here for the latest on my changing career, and more importantly, on the wild weather ahead!

Rich Apuzzo grin

The forums even feature a small web-community of users posting on political events (but you must register for an account to view that area!).  Now that I have seen the type of political discussion, however, I regret taking the time to register for an account.

But enough about all of that.  Some of you are thinking, “What am I going to do now without my daily dose of Apuzzo?” Lucky for you, Apuzzo offers daily weather email updates.  And if you have a business thinking about scheduling a picnic, make sure you get in touch with the Apuzzo weather consulting firm!

Long live Apuzzo!

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Brinkman, Taxes, and the Two Heimlich Plans (2006)
Hamsher the Hypocrite? Firedoglake Censors Critical Comments (2006)
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