The Cincinnati Beacon
Open Letter to David Pepper
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Posted by Justin Jeffre

Since last year’s mayoral primary, I have been a vocal critic of David Pepper.  I have said that he is a fake progressive, a Republican hiding out in the Democratic Party.  I have talked about his links to big business and “corporate daddyism.” But now, I want to give Pepper the chance to stand up and show his colors as a progressive.  The Free Press is calling on people to send protest letters to the FCC about Disney’s distortion of facts in this week’s “docudrama” set to air on ABC.  Pepper’s father is now Chairman of the Disney board.  Will Pepper stand with progressives, and speak out against his father’s invovlement in this tragedy?

Dear David Pepper:

I have given you a hard time in the past, saying you are not a “real progressive,” accusing you of being a Republican.  But now there is an issue where you can really show your true colors:  stand up with those protesting big media and the manipulation they exercise over things like the history pertaining to 9/11.

The activist web page Stop Big Media ( ) is sponsoring a campaign against Disney, given ABC’s plan to air an inaccurate docudrama about 9/11.  Here is a description of the campaign from their site:

Hit Mickey Where He Hurts

ABC’s plan to air an inaccurate 9-11 “docudrama” has ignited public outrage, but the problem of political manipulation will remain unless more people act now to stop media giants from become even more powerful.

The FCC is poised to give companies like Disney even more control over our airwaves. The public needs to speak up now to tell the FCC to stop conglomerates like Disney from gobbling up more local media and setting the agenda. Now’s your chance to tell Disney and the FCC that Big Media is big enough.

Will you join progressives, telling the FCC that enough is enough?  Will you send the letter available here:

Here is an excerpt from the letter I am asking you to submit:

Few could doubt the obvious truth that media ownership matters and determines the content we receive over the public airwaves.  We need look no further than the recent scandal over ABC’s “docudrama” about the 9/11 attacks, in which the Walt Disney Company willfully distorts the history of a national tragedy for political gain.  We need local broadcast station owners who will serve the local public interest not those of faraway corporate owners.  Stewardship of the public airwaves is a very serious responsibility that merits true public accountability.

Your critics say you are not really a progressive, since your father is a Republican.  He also sits on the Disney board.  Will you send him, and the rest of Disney, this message?

I look forward to reading your reply!


Justin Jeffre

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On today's date in The Beacon archives, we published:

•Heimlich Drowns in His Own Aspirations (2006)
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