Sunday, August 27, 2006
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Guest article by Christopher Smitherman.
The silence of former Cincinnati City Council Member, Christopher Smitherman, on the topic of the murder of Kabaka Oba has been based on him respecting the criminal justice process. Initially, a judgment was to be delivered within two weeks of closing arguments on a murder that was videotaped by City Hall security cameras and witnessed in person by an off duty Sheriff. The Sheriff said he saw Mr. Beatty drive up in front of Cincinnati City Hall and open fire on Mr. Oba.
The murder of Kabaka Oba was senseless. One cannot justify the murder of an unarmed man who was hit three times at close range with bullets from a .357 Magnum firearm in broad daylight in front of Cincinnati City Hall “{as an act of self-defense in a blood feud}”. This was a cold calculated murder. The ruling today makes no sense. Judge Norbert Nadel has said to the world and Cincinnati that you can kill a human-being in cold blood and not receive the death sentence or life in prison. Also, that Black life is not as valued as White life in Cincinnati. No citizen is safe if this reckless decision by Judge Norbert Nadel stands. This is outrageous! Only in Cincinnati, Ohio was there a public discussion whether this was even anyting but cold blooded murder. Smitherman disagrees with the judges decision to lower the charge from Premeditated Aggravated Murder to Voluntary Manslaughter. The fix was in when Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe T. Deters failed to pursue the death sentence. The African-American community knows all to well that if an African-American man had shot a White male in front of Cincinnati City Hall in broad day light the African-American would have received the death sentence today.
We can not discuss bringing our community together with these types of decisions. Mr. Beatty faces six to thirteen years after killing a man in downtown Cincinnati. There is no justice in Cincinnati. Smitherman says, “This ruling has opened Pandora’s box for anyone with a broken relationship to justify killing another human being in Cincinnati. This is now the wild, wild, west.” This decision has sent the message to our community and to our youth that killing is an acceptable way to settle arguments in Cincinnati. Note that the African-American community is very aware that the Judge waited until after the Jazz festival, Black Family Reunion etc.. to render this outrageous decision. African-American’s are still 3/5 of a person in Cincinnati, Ohio and the rest of the country will know. It is my hope that reasonable White citizens will understand that this decision today is outrageous and will be outspoken in their disappointment.
After Mr. Oba’s death, there was a deliberate attempt to assassinate his character as well. Mr. Beatty killed Mr. Oba, unarmed, within a 10-second time frame; therefore, “General Kabaka was no longer able to defend himself against the attacks. The fact is Mr. Oba worked 10 years for Metro Bus System with a perfect work history. His long-term employment is just one indication of his conscience commitment, dedication, and determination to be a law abiding, responsible citizen and father. This was illustrated in the 3,000 plus citizens who showed up for his funeral service to say goodbye. Kabaka Oba was very health conscious. He was an avid runner which likely resulted in him staying alive for as long as he did after being shot. It is highly questionable that Mr. Beatty acted alone. The African American community strongly desires more investigation into a possible conspiracy. The family should exhaust the entire justice system to get “justice” for a man who spent his life fighting for justice for us.
“Again, I extend my deepest condolences to Oba family, particularly his three adult children and his one-year old daughter who now have to go throughout life without their father,”said Smitherman.
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