Monday, February 26, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
Photo courtesy of .
Yesterday, we published these exclusive photos of leaks in the Fountain Square parking garage, which was opened to the public a few months ago. Today, we have a statement from Bill Donabedian of 3CDC—who has totally downplayed these leaks, as if they are part of 3CDC’s plan to roll out Fountain Square development in stages.
"Nothing has gone wrong,” insists Donabedian, in an email to The Cincinnati Beacon. “As you can see, there is work being done on the restaurant - which is next to the pavilion elevators - and work being done on the south side of 5th Street - which is over the Westin elevators. Both those areas are exposed and water proofing is still being done in those areas. By Opening Day, the work that impacts those areas should be done and there shouldn’t be any more leakage.”
To supporters, this sounds (at first glance) like a perfectly logical statement; for critics, this sounds like more of the same from 3CDC—a project that was supposed to be done early autumn last year is still experiencing delays. How many delays before the whole story loses all semblance of credibility?
Regardless your predisposition towards 3CDC, taking Donabedian at his word seems to open the door on even more mismanagement.
Donabedian’s statement indicates that 3CDC is totally aware of the exposed areas of the garage near each set of elevators (and subsequently near each set of stairs). By opening the garage before completing the waterproofing project on street level, has 3CDC put visitors to their parking garage in danger?
Consider, for example, the following image (which we did not post in yesterday’s piece):

Photo courtesy of .
By opening a garage with exposed areas over each elevator and stairwell, has 3CDC created a situation where people are at risk? Should 3CDC purposefully open a parking garage when they know people will be walking on wet steps?
Though the handicapped parking space in this next photo is near the elevators, does that explain why water was dripping out of pipes?

Photo courtesy of .
Unfortunately, Donabedian’s response to the leaking raises more questions than it answers. If 3CDC knowingly opened an incomplete and leaky garage to the public, they have knowingly created a situation that could be dangerous—while at the same time wasting the money used to paint the interior, knowing they would have to re-do everything once they actually finished the job.
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