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The Cincinnati Beacon

What’s the deal with Steve Black?
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

From what I’ve been told, Steve Black—who is running against Vic Wulsin for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the Second District—has never voted as a Democrat.  Allegedly, in the last election he took a Republican ballot, which would have allowed him to vote for Jean Schmidt.

Word also has it that Black hired away Wulsin’s campaign manager from the last campaign.  And, while we’re spiraling deeper into rumors here, why not also mention that she reportedly no longer works for him.  Does that mean Republican Steve Black, running as a Democrat, has access to all of Wulsin’s records?

So I just sent Steve Black the following:

Dear Mr. Black:

I have been interested in the 2nd congressional district since Vic Wulsin entered the race last year—as I have been following the Dr. Heimlich malariotherapy stories for some time.  However, I must say I’m confused at your position in this race.  From what I understand, you are a registered Republican who likely voted for Schmidt in the last election.

I have also heard that you temporarily hired Wulsin’s manager from last year, which would have perhaps given you access to Wulsin’s records.  This casts doubts onto your motives as a candidate.

Can you shed some light, please?


The Dean

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