This column has been printed from The Cincinnati Beacon: Where Divergent Views Collide!

The Cincinnati Beacon

The Enquirer’s “CinciNavigator” highlights crime
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

On the front page of The Enquirer’s web page this morning is a blurb about a new beta program through called ”CinciNavigator." It is described as a “mapping feature that lets you track data from your neighborhood: Home prices, business openings, dog licenses and more.” I was surprised, therefore, to see CinciNavigator highlighting neighborhood crime when I followed the link to see what it was about!

Here is a screenshot of the first thing I saw when checking out their new interface:

Photo courtesy of .

As you can partially see in the screenshot, they say they are proud to present a new way for staying in touch with what’s happening in the neighborhood.  Usually, however, when thinking about staying in touch with my neighborhood, or when thinking about new businesses or dog licenses, I’m not wondering about the last time someone committed Grand Theft Auto.

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