This column has been printed from The Cincinnati Beacon: Where Divergent Views Collide!

The Cincinnati Beacon

Senate Hopeful Bill Pierce Sexually Inexperienced
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Exaggerated headline?  Perhaps, but last night’s meeting at the Anderson Republican Club afforded some Ohio candidates the opportunity to speak to an audience of approximately 100 white people.  Right-winged rhetoric was turned on high as several candidates catered to some standard sounding boards, prompting Bill Pierce to tell the audience that his wife of 33 years is the only girlfriend he has ever had.  This marital faithfulness may be exemplary, but contexualized within last night’s meeting as a whole another picture emerges.

Jim Trakas, candidate for secretary of State, informed the crowd that we need “a kick-ass Secretary of State.” He also said, “We need to fight the organized left and the crazies… We don’t want [their] crazy ideas in the state of Ohio!”

What is crazy about the organized left?  He said they focus on “voter registration,” but that he wants to focus on “voter education.” The idea of “voter education” is perfectly acceptable by any standards, but how it exists opposite a crazy organized left agenda of “voter registration” was not explored.  He concluded by saying, “We need to attack the Democrats on their lack of issues.”

After the forum, when asked to further characterize the “crazy organized left,” Trakas said he was only referring to the out-of-state activists who worked on Reform Ohio Now, and that any organized leftists in Ohio were not the subject of his rhetoric.

Mary Taylor, candidate for Auditor, informed the crowd that marriage should be between one man and one woman, and that she is firmly pro-life.  She said this was “a message to carry in every office,” despite the fact that being an Auditor has nothing to do with gay rights or abortion. 

Taylor is a certified public accountant, which she views as a key strength � and she says she will fix “the fradulent office the Democrats brought.”

Senate Candidate David Smith said he believed in what is “right and true for freedom and individuals.” However, when asked for further clarification after the forum, he admitted that these “freedoms” do not include gay rights because the institution of marriage “should not be casually passed out.”

The forum also featured Pete Draganic, candidate for governor.  He shared some ideas about turning Ohio into a hub for the business development of alternative fuel.  He also said that prisons need to be reformed so they are “no longer a fun place to be.” To cut all the fun people are having in prison, he thinks college programs should be cut because prisoners do not deserve free education while other people work hard to pay. 

Prisons, according to Draganic, should reform criminals so they can become productive members of society.

Thank you for reading (and printing from) The Cincinnati Beacon.