This column has been printed from The Cincinnati Beacon: Where Divergent Views Collide!

The Cincinnati Beacon

NAACP Voter Education Guide:  The Environment?
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

This weekend, we have begun distribution of the NAACP voter guide collaboration with The Cincinnati Beacon Print Edition.  It is available at several downtown locations, locations in OTR, as well as several streetboxes in Oakley, Hyde Park, O’Bryonville, and more.  A full location list is coming soon.  To compliment this, we are rolling out side-by-side answers to individual questions by the candidates who responded.  Today’s question:

What specific steps should the city take to improve environmental conditions in the areas with the most serious environmental problems, and citywide?

Justin Jeffre (Green):

Show me a polluter, and I’ll show you a subsidy.  This city needs to get serious about environmental legislation with real teeth.  When the sanitized water leaving the Metropolitan Sewer District to re-enter the river is colored green, or teal, or lavender – due to illegal dumping by a corporation upstream – then that signals a real problem with basic enforcement.  Everyone knows pollution disproportionately affects poor neighborhoods, too.  We need to stop abusing the poor for the benefit of the wealthy.

Michael Earl Patton (Libertarian):

The city must revive the Office of Environmental Management and charge it with identifying the most serious problems and areas in the city. Existing sources of pollution should be audited for compliance with current laws. Once that is done, restrictions on future sources or modifications to laws may be considered.

Brian Garry (Democrat):

Environmental Justice is near to my heart. As a child I grew up in Bond Hill. There were a minimum of 5 chemical companies less than one mile of my home. Environmental Justice Ordinance needs to state that Office of Environmental Management has subpoena power and the ability to levy fines for polluters. Polluters must go to jail. We should abide by the U.S Mayors’ Agreement on climate change. We can reduce personal and corporate carbon emissions (green house gases) through legislation and incentives. Mass transportation, ride-sharing and energy conservation go far to reduce green house gases.

Pat Fischer (Republican):

I favor making our city cleaner and greener and support cost efficient ways to help the environment.  As president of the Pleasant Ridge Community Council, I supported our effort to build a neighborhood Montessori school to attract families to our community and City so their children can attend a Cincinnati public school and receive a quality education.  We succeeded in having Cincinnati Public Schools build the first elementary school in our area with LEEDs architecture.

David Crowley (Democrat):

Throughout our nation environmental problems continue to mount resulting in a disparate, negative impact on communities already overburdened with deteriorating environmental conditions. City Council should lead the way to improve these conditions.  In this regard I worked with the Mayor to create the Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ). This office works with citizens, businesses and City departments to promote issues of import related to the environment. I also co-sponsored legislation to create the City’s clean air law. Unfortunately curbside recycling is on the chopping block each year and to date we have been able to maintain this service without interruption.

Greg Harris (Democrat):

Communities of color are most affected by hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and are disproportionately affected by led paint, polluted air, etc.  As Councilman, I will work to ensure that Cincinnati’s new Office of Environmental Quality make the City adhere to the same standards adhered to by the Federal Government under Executive Order 12898, signed by President Clinton in 1994.  It directs federal agencies to “develop strategies to identify and address disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations.” In the spirit of this Executive Order, the City of Cincinnati should also provide minority and low-income communities with access to public information and opportunities for public participation in matters relating to human health or the environment (toxic waste disposal, etc.).

Jeff Berding (Democrat):

I supported the creation of the Office of Environmental Quality, so we have an ombudsman for environmental problems. We should do more to integrate these functions with Hamilton County. We should start having green initiatives and policies in the City, which help clean up the environment and create jobs. The LEED tax abatement program we recently passed makes Cincinnati a real leader in this area nationally.

Roxanne Qualls (Charterite):

The city needs to strengthen the Office of Environmental Quality and give it responsibility for evaluating environmental problems in our neighborhoods. We also need to always review any proposed expansion or project based upon whether it further contributes environmental exposure and pollution. For too long some communities have shouldered a disproportionate share of environmental burdens such as landfills, toxic dumping, air pollution. We must evaluate future proposal to reduce such negative impacts.

Chris Bortz (Charterite):

I think there is enormous potential for economic growth for our city if the polluted Mill Creek is restored, protected, and greenspaces and recreational amenities are developed so neighborhoods around it can grow and flourish, becoming attractive residential areas.  I have recently been appointed to the oversight board of the Stormwater Management District, an organization uniquely positioned to unlock the potential of the Mill Creek by focusing on reducing stormwater runoff and increasing water quality throughout the watershed.  I spearheaded a program with Council member Laketa Cole creating incentives for residential and commercial properties if they are built or rehabbed using Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) standards.

Andre Harper (Republican):

There are multiple direct health threats for urban areas from the Global Environment increasing climate instability. To deal with these threats, we should invest in early warning systems involving improved social networks and neighborhood response plans. In addition we should stimulate production and open markets for alternative and energy-efficient technologies. Other measures include:

These measures include:

* Green buildings with relevant building codes
* Roof gardens to absorb heat
* Tree-lined streets to absorb heat
* Adequate public transport systems to decrease traffic congestion
* Improved bicycle and walking paths
* Hybrid and renewable energy-powered vehicles to reduce pollution

Minette Cooper (Democrat):

We need to make sure that we check air quality on a regular basis – we need to hold businesses accountable for any and all harmful/illegal emissions they discharge. I, personally, was part of the group that made the recommendation for the reinstatement of the Office of Environmental Quality in 2006. Furthermore, I have worked with Commissioner Todd Portune to address health and environmental issues in our region. I am, and always have been, firmly committed to improving our environmental quality of life (and the health of our citizens) in our region. I also strongly support Councilman Crowely’s motion to amend provisions of Title X (the Environmental Code).

Laketa Cole (Democrat):

I will continue to support environmental issues and I am proud to have been the one who brought the initiative forward to have the Mayor sign the US Mayor’s Agreement on Climate Change.  One of the major tenets of the US Mayors Agreement is encouraging green building on a municipal level, and I have personally taken the lead on this topic.  The “LEED” tax abatement provides ample incentives for private developers to build buildings to LEED standards, which is the nationally recognized benchmark for a “green” building.  Recently I have co-sponsored and voted on a motion to implement a Climate Protection Planning Process for Cincinnati, which includes a plan to reduce regional greenhouse gas emissions while preserving both economic development and transportation options throughout the region. 

Steven Pavelish (Independent):

I am not in the loop on this at City Hall so I do not know what has been tried or what is in the planning.

John Eby (Republican):

Like all other successful municipalities, the city administration must work in cooperation with the EPA, Federal, State and County government to identify and abate environmental problems. The new Office of Environmental shall be our advocate and our liaison between all of these governmental agencies.

Cecil Thomas (Democrat):

During my current term on council I urged support for an office of environmental quality. Subsequently, Council voted to reestablish such an office. I am deeply concerned about the environmental conditions in the areas with the greatest environmental challenges and I am committed to make a difference. I fully support: conducting air and water quality impact studies in those areas which will tell us where we need to focus our attention; as well as, taking the direct steps, as identified by those studies, to directly improve those conditions by reducing pollutants which might adversely affect the quality of our air, food and water. 

Leslie Ghiz (Republican):

I believe adequate steps are being taken through the “Green Cincinnati” initiative.

Mitch Painter (Independent):

The environmental crisis is of top priority and very close to my heart. We must immediately enact recycling programs at all city offices. We must make recycling mandatory. We must build a new public transportation system to cut down on our car usage and carbon footprint. We can further implement many green programs and encourage individuals to lead a green lifestyle both at home and at work.

The following candidates did not respond to the NAACP questionnaire:

Melanie Bates
Joan Kaup
Chris Monzel
Sam Malone
George Zamary
Charles Winburn
John Cranley
Wendell Young

Thank you for reading (and printing from) The Cincinnati Beacon.