The Cincinnati Beacon
MSD Should Re-Use Gas
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati
It may initially sound like the set-up for a crude joke, but the truth of the matter is that the Metropolitcan Sewer District—as a by-product of processing our region’s excrement—spews forth tons of gas that it just flares into oblivion. MSD should process this into natural gas for energy, like Rumpke does at its landfill.
Here is what currently happens to the gas down at the MSD:

Photo courtesy of .
An employee at MSD told me that it would be possible to recover this gas, just like Rumpke, but that there would be large start-up costs which stop the City from exploring the option.
That does not mean that the gas cannot be recovered, and it could even turn into a profitable enterprise—assuming the MSD employee is correct in telling me these details. If the City cannot fund the project, perhaps this is an example of where public-private partnerships can work for the benefit of everyone.