This column has been printed from The Cincinnati Beacon: Where Divergent Views Collide!

The Cincinnati Beacon

Hey CPS Board, What Are You Doing?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Dear Members of the CPS Board:

I would like to know what the CPS Board has been doing to put pressure on state legislators concerning the fact that Ohio’s school funding formula has been found unconstitutional on several occasions.  Further, if Ohio had a constitutional form of funding schools, I’m wondering if you know how that would impact your requests for higher taxes.  And lastly, do you intend to make all of this a part of the upcoming campaign, to mobilize voters to push for constitutional school funding in Ohio? 

Or, do you intend to do nothing in regards to this issue, simply asking Cincinnatians to raise their taxes to feed into a broken system?

I would also like to know about Cincinnati’s “charge-off” to the State.  It is my understanding that a “charge-off” is calculated by deducting from your state funding 23 mills of what property taxes generate in the district.

How does this fit with the current taxing system in Cincinnati?  And what would happen if the State’s funding structure were reformed?

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration, and I am eager to study your replies.


The Dean of Cincinnati

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