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View Sean Holbrook

Sean Holbrook is a controversial Cincinnati figure who has mounted what many consider a prank political campaign for City Council in 2007.

After having his campaign covered by this article in The Cincinnati Beacon, shocking information surfaced from Sean Holbrook?s past?including pornographic pictures between Holbrook and his girlfriend posted to a public Photobucket account with the name ?VoteHolbrook07,? as well as the discovery that Holbrook?s former website ( featured grotesque content?including nude homo-erotic images of elderly people.? That information was also featured in The Beacon here.

Sean Holbrook is a member of the Cacophony Society, known for pulling odd pranks and practical jokes.? Many believe his ?campaign? is an elaborate hoax.

A few weeks after his initial rush of publicity, Holbrook released a YouTube video aimed at readers of The Beacon.? In it, he claims he has been inspired to run an actual campaign due to what he calls a ?smear campaign? against his questionable past.

Later, Holbrook announced that his press secretary would answer all questions in the form of a song.

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