View 2007 Cincinnati City Council Candidates
As we move further into the 2007 City Council campaign, we will use this space to gather our work concerning each of the candidates.
Table of Contents
- Yvette Barbara Baldwin(D)
- Malanie Bates
- Jeff Berding(D)
- Minette Cooper(D)
- Kellley Cowdrey(R)
- Christopher Davis(I)
- John Eby(R)
- Patrick F. Fischer(R)
- Brian Garry(D)
- Andre Harper(R)
- Greg Harris(D)
- Sean Holbrook(I)
- Joan Kaup(C)
- Sean Robert Lackey
- Paul Makin(R)
- Mitch Painter(I)
- Michael Earl Patton(R)
- Steven Pavelish(R)
- Malik Showes(I)
- Ron Stallworth(R)
- Dadrin Washington(I)
- Curtis Wells(I)
- Robert J. Wilking(R)
- Eric Wolterman(D)
- Wendel Young(D)
Former Councilmembers
- Sam Malone
- Charlie Winburn
- Chris Bortz
- Laketa Cole
- John Cranley
- David Crowley(D)
- Leslie Ghiz
- Chris Monzel
- Cecil Thomas
Yvette Barbara Baldwin(D)
Malanie Bates
Jeff Berding(D)
Minette Cooper(D)
Kellley Cowdrey(R)
Christopher Davis(I)
John Eby(R)
Interview with John Eby, Candidate for City Council, 2007
Patrick F. Fischer(R)
Brian Garry(D)
Brian Garry gets early momentum from high profile Democrats
Andre Harper(R)
Interview with Andre Harper, Candidate for Cincinnati City Council, 2007
Greg Harris(D)
Interview with Greg Harris, Candidate for City Council, 2007
Greg Harris on how the Democrats can be more inclusive
Sean Holbrook(I)
Joan Kaup(C)
Sean Robert Lackey
Sean Robert Lackey is running for City Council
Paul Makin(R)
Mitch Painter(I)
Michael Earl Patton(R)
Steven Pavelish(R)
Interview with Steven Pavelish, Candidate for City Council, 2007
Malik Showes(I)
Ron Stallworth(R)
Dadrin Washington(I)
Curtis Wells(I)
Robert J. Wilking(R)
Eric Wolterman(D)
Wendel Young(D)
Former Councilmembers
Sam Malone
Charlie Winburn, Sam Malone Oppose ?Fascist Five? and Eat Chili
Charlie Winburn
Charlie Winburn, Sam Malone Oppose ?Fascist Five? and Eat Chili
Chris Bortz
Chris Bortz:? Profiles on Council, Part 2
Laketa Cole
John Cranley
David Crowley(D)
Profiles on Council, Part Three:? David Crowley
Leslie Ghiz
Leslie Ghiz:? Profiles on Council, Part 1
Leslie Ghiz:? Don?t Threaten Me!? Run for Council Yourselves!